Best diet to lose weight fast

steps to follow to lose weight fast

Best diet to lose weight fast


Losing weight is one of the most sensitive subjects of our days as most of us want to be in a good shape and look amazing. But, since time is also a problem and most of the times it is limited, many of us want to find that diet that will help us lose weight fast. Though, there is no such thing as miracle diets that will transform you in days. Instead, a person that wants to lose weight fast should rather look for adopting a new lifestyle rather than opting for a short-time diet that will make you feel hungry all the time. Therefore, stop looking for the best diet to lose weight fast and think at changing your eating habits.

Steps to follow to lose weight fast

steps to follow to lose weight fast 

In order to respect a strict diet, a person needs to have an iron will power. Also, if the diet has too many restrictions, then the individual that follows it has all the changes to give up on it as the permanent state of hunger will make him or her to do so. In such a case, even though you think you have found the best diet to lose weight fast, the results may not be the expected ones mostly on long-term.

If you want to avoid all of the things previously outlined, there is recommended to do the following things: do as much sport as possible, you may even walk; have all the time with you a healthy snack (home-made sandwiches, fruits); make sure you drink sufficient water; avoid any processed food; limit your daily starch intake; start your day by eating a healthy breakfast; eat when you are hungry; increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

Highly important: don’t start a diet without previously discussing with your doctor mostly in the case in which you have a medical condition for which you need to follow a specific diet or you have certain food restrictions or allergies.

What’s even more, if you want your diet to be successful then you should be aware of the following:

Give up to sugars and starches (carbs)

This is one of the most important steps to be taken when following a diet. Sugars and starches are foods that stimulate the secretion of insulin, which is the main fat storage hormone in your body. By lowering your levels of insulin, fat is the one being burn and not carbs. Also, the unnecessary water weight and bloat are reduced since your kidneys will shed excess sodium and water out of your body. That’s why, in the first week after starting a diet there will be lost a significant amount of body fat and water weight.

If you want to eat less calories and this without feeling hungry, then you should simply cut the amount of carbohydrates and lower insulin.

Eat vegetables, protein and fat

For a meal to be a complete one, it should contain a source of proteins, one of fat and low-carb vegetables.

Proteins come from the following sources: meat (beef, chicken, pork, lamb, etc.); fish and seafood (salmon, trout, shrimps, lobsters, etc.); eggs.

Low-carb vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Swiss chard, lettuce, cucumber, celery. You may eat as much as you want mostly since a diet that is based on meat and vegetables has all the fiber, vitamins and minerals that someone needs to be healthy.

Fat sources: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, butter, tallow.

You should have 2-3 meals per day, with a 4th one in the case you feel hungry in the afternoon.

Do some exercise 3 times per week

No so-called best diet to lose weight fast is successful without doing some exercise. Because of this, going 3-4 times a week to a gym is highly recommended if you want results. You may do weight lifting or easy cardio workouts such as running, jogging, swimming or just walking.

Choose a day when to treat yourself

You may opt for a day when you allow yourself to eat more carbohydrates. Normally, this happens at the end of the week. But, there shouldn’t be more than a single day per week. Within this day you are allowed to eat healthy carb sources such as oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, etc.

More tips to lose weight fast

Here are some more tips for having the desired weight as fast as possible:

Start with a breakfast high in proteins.
Don’t drink fruit juice or drink that have sugar.
Drink water with 30 minutes before your meals.
Eat soluble fibers.
Drink coffee or tea.
Eat food that is unprocessed.
Eat slow and in smaller plates.
Avoid stress eating habits.
Try and get as much sleep as possible during the night.
Give up to sweet or salty snacks while watching TV or when you feel the need to eat something and instead choose healthy snacks or fruits.
You may also opt for dietary supplements for weight loss.

An example is Dietary Fibre ComplexPLUS from

Dietary Fibre ComplexPLUS

This is a blend of multi-fibres of prunes, fig fruit, flaxsee, rhubarb, herbs and psyllium husks and seeds that comes in capsules. It is good for: a healthy digestive system, bowel regularity, digestive transit, constipation, healthy cholesterol levels, nutrient levels, colon cleansing, detoxification, healthy weight loss.

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